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Installation: Overview

To install the solution, you will need a server running a Linux or Windows operating system that is connected to the Internet. 

It must have a minimum of 2 gigabytes of RAM and open ports 8080 for web client operation and 7652 for desktop client operation.

(The commands listed below are provided to install  in a Centos7 environment with root privileges)

Install Server and Client lsFusion:

root@centos7: localectl set-locale LANG=ru_RU.UTF-8

root@centos7: source <(curl -s

Install MyCompany business logic:

root@centos7: yum install -y wgetroot@centos7: wget -O /var/lib/lsfusion/mycompany.jar

root@centos7: echo "logics.topModule = MyCompanyRu" >> /etc/lsfusion4-server/

Restart lsFusion Server:

root@centos7: systemctl stop lsfusion4-serverroot@centos7: systemctl start lsfusion4-server

You can use the scripts below:

CentOS 8 installation

Download the installation script:

root@centos8: dnf install -y wget

root@centos8: wget "" -P /tmp

Allow to run the downloaded installation script :

root@centos8: chmod +x /tmp/

Run script:

root@centos8: /tmp/

Ubuntu 18/ Debian 9 installation

Download the installation script:

root@ubuntu18: wget "" -P /tmp

Allow the downloaded file to run with the command:

root@ubuntu18: chmod +x /tmp/

Run the installation script with the command: 

root@ubuntu18: /tmp/

Centos 7 installation

Download the installation script:

root@centos7: yum install -y wget

root@centos7: wget "" -P /tmp

Allow the downloaded file to run with the command:

root@centos7: chmod +x /tmp/

Run the installation script with the command: 


Windows installation

Download and run the installer MyCompany-1.0-x64.exe or MyCompany-1.0.exe

Log in to  MyCompany

  1. Open MyCompany web interface in your browser http://your-server-ip:8080
  2. In the open window sign in using login admin  without  password.